Affidavit of Residency
Proof of Residency Affidavit Form in accordance with the Board of Education policy #5118.
Change of Address Request
If your address changes after you have enrolled in Stafford Public Schools, complete the Change of Address Form and then you must provide proof of residency documents to the main office of your child's school.
Home Schooling
When withdrawing your student(s) for home instruction, complete the Notice of Intent to Educate a Child at Home - Unassisted Form. Submit the completed form to the main office of your child's school. Board of Education's Home Instruction Policy #6172.3 is available for your convenience.
Student Release of Information Request
When moving to another Town or State, please complete the Transfer of Confidential Student Information Form to release your child's records to the enrolling school district. Please submit the completed form to your respective school secretary.
Student Withdrawal
When withdrawing your student(s), please complete the Withdrawal Form and submit to the main office of your child's school.
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