5000 - Students

5000 Concepts and Roles in Student Policies
5110 Student Attendance, Truancy, and Chronic Absenteeism

REG Student Attendance, Truancy, and Chronic Absenteeism

School Attendance Option Form 
5112 Ages of Attendance

Acknowledgement of Option to Exempt Attendance
5113.13 Work-Study Student Employment
5114 Student Discipline
  REG Student Discipline
5118 Nonresident Attendance

Application for Non-Resident Attendance
5118.1 Admission of Resident Students

Appendix-Residency Verification Guidelines

Parent Guardian Statement Form

Host Statement Form

Residency Affidavit Confidential Form
5118.12 Homeless Students
5118.2 Educational Opportunities for Military Children
5120 Admission to the Public Schools at or Before Age Five
5121 Examination, Grading and Rating
5121.3 Student Honor Code, Cheating and Plagiarism
5122 Grade Assignment
5123 Promotion, Acceleration and Retention
  REG Promotion, Acceleration and Retention
5124 Reports to Parents
5124.1 District, School Report Cards
5125 Confidentiality and Access to Education Records
5125.11 Health and Medical Records
5131.1 Bus Conduct
5131.3 Student Driving and Parking
5131.5 Vandalism or Damage of School Property
5131.6 Alcohol Use, Drugs and Tobacco (including Performance Enhancing Substances)
  REG Alcohol Use, Drugs and Tobacco (including Performance Enhancing Substances)
5131.61 Inhalant Abuse
5131.62 Steroid Use
5131.8 Off School Grounds Misconduct
5131.81 Use of Laser Pointers, Paging Devices and Cellular Telephones
5131.82 Restrictions on Publications and Written or Electronic Material
5131.83 Students Use of the Districts Computer Systems and Internet Safety

REG Student Use of the Districts Computer Systems and Internet Safety
  Acceptable Use Agreement - Elementary

Acceptable Use Agreement - Middle & High School
5131.84 Use of Private Technology Devices by Students

REG Use of Private Technology Devices by Students
5131.91 Hazing
5131.911 Bullying Prevention and Intervention
5131.912 Safe School Climate Plan
5132 Dress Code
5133 Behavior of Participants in Athletic Events
5135 Eligibility to Participate in Co-Curricular, Extracurricular Activities
5140 Meal Charging
5141 Student Health Services
5141.21 Administration of Student Medications

Refusal to Permit Administration of Epinephrine
5141.22 Exposure to Infectious Diseases
5141.231 Psychotropic Drug Use
5141.25 Accommodating Students with Special Dietary Needs (Food Allergy Management)

Food Allergy Treatment Plan and Permission for Administration of Medications

Health Care Plan for Food Allergy

Medical Statement for Children with Disabilities

Medical Statement for Children without Disabilities

Self-Medication Assessment
5141.4 Child Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault Response Policy and Reporting Procedure
5141.5 Suicide Prevention and Intervention
5141.6 Crisis Response

Appendix-NIMS Implementation Activities
5142 Student Safety
5142.1 Relations with Non-custodial Parents
5142.2 Student Dismissal Precautions
5143 Health Assessments-Screenings
5144 Immunizations
5144.1 Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students and Use of Exclusionary Time Out

Incident Report of Physical Restraint

Incident Report of Seclusion
5144.4 Physical Exercise and Discipline of Students
5145.11 Police in Schools
5145.12 Search and Seizure

Appendix-Search and Seizure
5145.121 Vehicle Searches on School Grounds
5145.124 Breathalyzer Testing
5145.14 On-Campus Recruitment
5145.15 Directory Information

Release of Certain Information

Denial of Permission to Release Certain Directory Information
5145.17 Student Privacy
5145.2 Freedom of Speech, Expression
5145.4 Non-Discrimination
  REG Non-Discrimination
  REG Discrimination /Harassment Form
5145.6 Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

REG Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
5145.7 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
  REG Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
5150 FAFSA Completion Rates
  REG FAFSA Completion Rates

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